Upgrading / Tearing Down Another CNC Bender


So, I started working on the teardown for my latest CNC Bender upgrade today. This is a Seven Associates long bender, currently equipped with an AT6400 controller, Windows 95 PC and lots of other vintage goodies. If all goes well, after installing the new equipment this next week or so, this puppy should be up to par in about 2 weeks time.

This machine will be called “Sir Clive”, after the great Sir Clive Sinclair who invented the ZX Spectrum, on top of many other great little gadgets. Stay tuned for updates about it’s progress, and more!

Optimizing PNG Images With OptiPNG


I am currently working on a project that has lot’s of rather large PNG files (2048×2048 Pixels) and have been thinking of ways to help compress some of the data to a much more manageable size (currently about 80mb of data). After a brief search on the web, I can across OptiPNG (Homepage: http://optipng.sourceforge.net/ )

OptiPNG basically takes the image, and runs a whole series of tests on it to try and compress the data inside of it as much as possible, without affecting the overall appearance of the image. It has a lot of neat tricks up its sleeve, and will even try a range of compression options to find the best one that suits your image, including scaling to 8-bit palettes and more. The tool is command-line and runs fine in a Vista shell window.

After running the tool on 6 of my images, I have already saved about 600Kb of disk space, which is great 🙂 I thought I was doing well before, but now I have saved a little more, I am very happy. Definately reccomend the tool to anyone who uses PNG files on the web and needs to crush them down in size.

New Blog Finally Working!


Because all new blogs need something awesome to start 🙂

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